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Will you ask our political leaders to help our kids catch up?
With your help, we can make sure the Government and Opposition include measures to help our kids catch up from the setbacks of the pandemic.
We’re asking for the Budget and Budget Reply to include funding for:
- A National COVID-19 taskforce to lead a recovery plan for children and young people
- A National Chief Paediatrician
- The implementation of the National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- Increased Commonwealth school support for or students with disability and/or learning difficulties
- Universal access to education programs for all three year olds
- The restriction of marketing of unhealthy diets and enforcement of these restrictions
The Federal Budget is just weeks away. Will you take a moment right now to send an email to our leaders?
Email our leaders
We’ll keep you up to date with the latest news from our campaign. Read our collection statement here.